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Testimonials - 2012 - 2013

December 28, 2012--"I always feel better when I leave here."


December 28, 2012--"You are so wonderful, Dr. Davidson."


December 28, 2012--"My mother told me after seeing you on Friday that she feels very secure with you." 


December 28, 2012--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson.  Very good meeting.  God bless you."


December 28, 2012--"What you did for me was a stroke of genius."


December 28, 2012--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson.  I feel so damn good!"


December 28, 2012--"My daughter said that you made me like her mother again.  It's good to feel."


December 28, 2012--Thank you, Dr. Davidson.  You really helped me."


January 3, 2013--"Thank you.  You are the doctor who finally found the right medication for me.  I couldn't tolerate the other medication.  Now, for the first time in my life, I feel normal!"


January 7, 2013--"What I appreciate about you is that you are so positive."

January 8, 2013- "You are an amazing doctor, and you have helped me a lot."


January 8, 2013--"I feel much better talking to you."


January 9, 2013--"I felt so much better after you talked to me.  Immediately afterward, I felt less depressed and relieved."


January 9, 2013--"My mother remarkably changed with your psychotherapy.  She became a very sweet person and stopped screaming.  And it was done on no medication.  You did a very good job.  My mother loved you.  And you liked her and conveyed it to her.  She felt love, which for some reason she didn't have before."


January 11, 2013--"You have worked miracles with me.  I have not felt this good since 1992.  Driving an hour to see you is well worth it!"


January 11, 2013--"You have been very, very helpful in many areas.  You have especially helped me with my daughter's challenges."

January 11, 2013--"You inspired me so much.  I called my husband right away and let him know what you said.  You were wonderful, really cared, and gave me so much advice and made me rethink how I do my work.  You are a great doctor." 


January 11, 2013--"I always get great stuff from you, Dr. Davidson.  I am so lucky to be able to work with you."


January 11, 2013--"I treasure everything you say.  Very enlightening today."


January 11, 2013--"My doctor said he sent you a patient who was very happy with you."


January 14, 2013--"Thank you.  I really listened to you.  You helped me get through this pain."

January 29, 2013--"Thank you, doctor.  You are terrific." 


January 29, 2013--"I am progressing and getting better thanks to you.  Since I have had you in my life, I feel better.  Even when I am scattered, I feel better; as it's not like my life is ending."


​​February 1, 2013-"I had a good session with you.  I feel better."

​February 5, 2013--"Doctor, I am so glad I found you and that you are interested in my case.  Thank you for helping me."

February 7, 2013--"I appreciate more and more how you have been a safety valve for me this past year."

February 8, 2013--I look forward to seeing you, which makes me feel better."


February 13, 2013--"My friend said you really helped her, that if she hadn't come to you, she wouldn't have done well.  She said you are a very qualified psychiatrist.  I told her counselor that, despite others saying she could not be helped, you said she could be helped; and you were successful with her."

February 14, 2012--"I saw positive changes and felt wonderful after seeing you.  It was so nice.".  There are no words to describe it."

February 18, 2013--"I appreciate your feedback.  I like you quite a lot.  Your insights are good.  I feel we are on the same wave length."

February 19, 2013--"My terrible fears have calmed down since talking to you."


February 20, 2013--"I am getting more assertive and taking better care of myself, thanks to you."


February 22, 2013--"I enjoy talking to you.  I think you are very helpful."

February 25, 2013--"I am talking you up.  I tell people how very good you are.  It's amazing to have a psychiatrist!"

February 25, 2013--"I am grateful for you for giving me a direction to go in.  You put it together in a structure and I really appreciate it."


February 25, 2013--"My life is so much better since seeing you."


February 25, 2013-- "I am getting more assertive and taking better care of myself, thanks to you."


February 26, 2013--"Your consultations benefited us, and we are all doing better than ever."


February 28, 2013--"I am glad I saw you. You make me feel much better."


March 1, 2013--"I am feeling much, much better.  Thank you.  I feel more of myself.  You have done a lot of that for me.  Having a good psychiatrist makes me feel much better.  You have helped me so much with the unidentified snafu in my personality.  You have taught how to live with my hypomania.  I don’t take it so far that I overextend myself and do more harm.  You taught me how to modify it so I don’t get into trouble.  I give more thought to what I commit to.  And I have learned to modify my impulse control.  And you have helped me identify a split in my functionality.  So thank you; thank you."


March 1, 2013--"I feel good.  I definitely do.  Thank you."


March 1, 2013--"You taught me there is another way to be than to get so sad and beat up that you kill yourself.  You just keep on.  Thank you for helping me. You are quite the hero."


March 1, 2013--"You are the only doctor I like going to."

March 4, 2013--"My life is so much better since seeing you."


March 7, 2013--"You’re the only psychiatrist I have heard of who has done a good job.  I really appreciate working with you, Dr. Davidson."


March 12, 2013--"You give me straight 'medicine', coming from a doctor whom I respect!  This was a great session--the way you expressed yourself.  Thank you!"


March 12, 2013--"My therapy has helped a lot, and I share what I learned with my family; and it has helped them, too."

March 13, 2013--"I always get a great perspective from you."


March 13, 2013--"Dr. Davidson, I am getting much better with my clients.  What could be better than that?  I feel good!  I am becoming more appreciative and practical. You give me a lot to think about."


March 13, 2013--"I want to thank you.  I feel better than I have felt in a long time."

March 14, 2013--"I am really lucky to work with you, Dr. Davidson.  You have saved my life.  And you are really helping my friend.  I can't thank you enough for that."


March 15, 2013--"Thank you.  You brought me back from the dead."


March 15, 2013--"Thank you for all the help you have given me."


March 15, 2013--"You are a good doctor.  My friend says you deserve a raise.  Everything you say to me is working."


March 15, 2013--I was crashing when I first came, and you got me on a good path.  You have an incredible ability to make me see things that no one else can do."

March 20, 2013--"Thank you for everything this week!"


March 20, 2013--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson. You have helped me make honey from sour grapes."


March 20, 2013--"You have been a great help.  I appreciate your expertise.  You are excellent."


March 22, 2013--"Thank you.  That last session really helped.  I am looking at my relationship very differently now.  My mother likes you for me, as she sees me getting better. She thinks there is a good match."


March 22, 2013--"My rheumatologist and I think you can do anything; that you are a life-changing coach."

March 25, 2013--"These therapy sessions are totally great.  I notice every day I am incrementally better."

March 26, 2013--"The good news is that our relationship really improved since we came to see you."


March 26, 2013--"Thank you for honoring me.  You always tell me when I do something that you think is good.  You give me favor.  I know that you care about my life, my health, my fears, and that you want to help me.  I have gotten to know you.  You care about my mind, that I settle down.  And I am grateful.  I am very glad you are my doctor."

March 28, 2013--"I talk a lot about you as I have learned a lot from you.  In 4 1/2 years working with you, my life has changed so much for the better.  I am really blessed by working with you.  I love you.  I feel so much love and gratitude with the people I used to resent, including myself.  I wish others like me could have this kind of experience with you."

March 28, 2013--"Our relationship really improved since we came here."


April 1, 2013--"I like you.  You are really sharp.  You are very interested in me; very alert, and you want to help me get off drugs, which I like."


April 1, 2013--"Thank you for everything you are doing.  I really appreciate it.  You are putting me on the right path."

April 2, 2013--"Every time I talk to you, you take a lot of burden off my shoulders.  You understand me."


April 2, 2013--"I can't thank you enough.  You are my hero.  Thank you for saving my life."


April 5, 2013--"My parents are so thankful I found you.  They really like your advice.  They see in me a positive change.  Every time I leave her, I see my progress in the week, big progress."

April 3, 2013--"We really enjoy seeing you."


April 5, 2013--"I am feeling much, much better.  Thank you.  I feel more of myself.  You have done a lot of that for me.  Having a good psychiatrist makes me feel much better.  You have helped me so much with the snafu in my personality.  You have taught how to live with my hypomania.  I don’t take it so far that I overextend myself and do more harm.  You taught me how to modify it so I don’t get into trouble.  I give more thought to what I commit to.  And I have learned to modify my impulse control.  And you have helped me identify a split in my functionality. So thank you; thank you."


April 6, 2013--"Thank you.  You have helped my daughter with a lot of problems that she needed help with."


April 15, 2013--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson, for the consultation and for your feedback.  I am doing fine and have a much calmer existence now."

April 15, 2013--"Thanks to you, Dr. Davidson, I feel good.  I haven't been depressed for a long time."


April 15, 2013--"My son thinks so much of you.  That's a major step for him."

April 18, 2013--"Doctor, thank you for your kind words.  It definitely helps when I can see things more clearly."

April 20, 2013--"You show a lot of respect to me.  You trust your patients."


April 23, 2013--"I always get a great perspective from you."

April 29, 2013--"You really inspired me."


April 30, 2013--"You did a really good job about helping me.  Unlike other doctors, you are really great at responding within the same day and when there is an emergency.  When I come in her, you remember me; and I am not just another patient that you have."  

May 4, 2013--"Now that we've been working together, my relationship with my mother and father is completely different--lot of love, see them regularly; and when my dad does weird sh-t, I let it go and realize it's him and not me.  I just love him and let it go.  Working with you, and actually following your suggestions, have given me a miracle, which is very exciting.  A big thank to you, Dr. Davidson.  I had a really wonderful time talking to you today."


May 7, 2013--"That's what I like about you: you are so proactive."

May 7, 2013--"You are awesome.  I can't wait to come here.  I tell all my friends about you."

May 13, 2013--"I feel like a new person, thanks to your guidance and expertise.  You did a lot for me."

May 14, 2013--"I am glad to be here, as I know I am getting help from you." 


May 14, 2013--"Thank you for your help, Dr. Davidson.  I was able to slow down because of what you said.  I memorized it.  It made such an impression in my life.  You made an impact on that statement.  You must have learned a lot when you went to school.  No doctor ever told me that before.  Yes, Dr. Davidson.  And for the first time, my internist acted like a human being to me.  I was very anxious.  I said to myself, 'Maybe you and he had a talk.'  You are always nice as a psychiatrist and an M.D. doctor.  You are always the same.  I am really going to a good doctor.  And I believe in you, even though it's for me.  I think you are a very good doctor, and I don’t say that about a lot of doctors."


May 15, 2013--"Thank you for helping me."

May 15, 2013--"What you give to me, Dr. Davidson is to make my dreams come true.  Thanks."


May 16, 2013--"Thank you so much for all the kindness you have shown me this year and all the years I have known you."


May 17, 2013--"Thank you for your guidance and understanding."


May 21, 2013--"I am really glad we met.  I was really messed up. You really helped me."


May 22, 2013--"Thank you for your valued support in this year."


May 23, 2013--"Thank you to  the best doctor who has made me well."


May 28, 2013--"You always make me feel better. Yo always put things into the proper perspective.  You are a good person."


May 28, 2013--"Thanks so much for your incredible kindness over the years.  You've been the best friend I've ever had."

May 28, 2013--"I like the way you talk.  You say it right.  I can understand things the way you say it."


May 30, 2013--"You've helped me so much.  I can't thank you enough."


May 31, 2013--"Thank you.  You are very, very open-minded.  You were able to work with my Chinese speaking mother.  It's not easy on your side.  You are amazing.  I am happy that you are happy that my mother has been successful."


May 31, 2013--"Thank you, doctor.  I took your advice with my daughter-in-law, and things are going great.  Thanks to you, I"m losing weight for the first time in a year."


June 3, 2013--"My mother thinks I am in good hands with you.  She felt better after our meeting."


June 4, 2013--"I couldn't've improved without your help."


June 6, 2013--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson.  You are the best."


June 7, 2013--"I can't thank you enough, Dr. Davidson.  I really do.  I really do.  If it weren't for you, I can't think of the situation I'd be in."


June 7, 2013--"Thanks, Doc.  You are the god of solving problems.  You were able to do it with my extremely difficult husband."


June 11, 2013--"I am doing very well.  I am grateful to you for that."

June 11, 2013--"You work well with me.  I really understand things that I didn't understand before because of you."


June 12, 2013--"I always get a great perspective from you."


June 12, 2013--"My aunt said you are doing a very good job with me."


June 12, 2013--"I like psychiatrists like you who try to get me off some of my drugs."


June 13, 2013--"Thank you.  I am making more decisions, feeling OK with that, and overall am feeling more comfortable in my skin."

June 17, 2013--"I am so glad I see you.  You are very objective about everything."


June 19, 2013--"You have helped me so much; I can't get over it.  I feel so good."


June 25, 2013--"I like psychiatrists like you who try to get me off some of my drugs."


July 2, 2013--"Thank you so much for talking with me today.  I really got a lot out of it.  I got a great map on how to talk to my mother."


"July 15, 2013--I really like you.  I am really glad I found you.  You are so calm and such a gentleman."


July 15, 2013--You are such a good doctor, so caring."


July 16, 2013--"Thank you for last week.  It really helped, getting out all my anger."


July 17, 2013--"You are the master of medicine, to me.  You really relieve me!  I want you to know that.  You are a very good doctor, Dr. Davidson.  It's been an unbelievably good visit today."


July 17, 2013--"You are a genius.  You are a lifestyle coach."


July 17, 2013--"Thank god I found you.  It's hard to find a good doctor."


July 18, 2013--"Thanks to your knowledge, my brother is getting better.  Nobody else thought of it."


August 5, 2013--"Dr. Davidson: I always leave here feeling hopeful."


August 9, 2013--"Dr. Davidson, Thank you.  You are a good psychiatrist.  Without you, I wouldn't be able to fix my family."


August 9, 2013--"The reason your patients are doing so well is because of you, Dr. Davidson.  I have seen a lot of psychiatrists, and you're the best!"


August 14, 2013--"Thank you for last week.  It really helped, getting out all my anger."


August 20, 2013--"The way you practice psychotherapy is amazing.  I went to three other psychiatrists who didn't help me, before I saw you.  You give people a way to cope with their lives."


August 21, 2013--"Without you, I would have less and less."


August 22, 2013--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson.  You have done wonderful things with my mother."

August 24, 2013--"Thank you, Dr. Davidson.  I am thrilled by how I am doing, and my family is thrilled.  You have been a tremendous help.  The thanks are to you." 


August 24, 2013--"My mother is happier now than I have seen her in years and years and years."


August 28, 2013--"I am very grateful for you talking to me."


August 28, 2013--Thank you, really.  You are so helpful."


August 28, 2013--"My doing well is because of you, Doctor.  God bless you.


August 28, 2013--"You're really good.  I love coming to you."

August 30, 2013--"You have helped me in a lot of different modes.  I appreciate that so much.  I have had experiences with your counseling, which I never expected, which have really helped."


August 30, 2013--"Thank you for all your help and guidance.  It's made a huge difference."


August 30, 2013--"Dr. Davidson, thinking of you helped me face my anxiety about surgery."


September 4, 2013--"I am so grateful to you.  You saved me today.  I feel so fortunate to have met you."

September 5, 2013--"You empower me.  You have made me very strong."


September 5, 2013--"Thank you for putting me back on my feet!."


September 6, 2013--"I have a great doctor: You have come up with the answers as to what is going on, which others have not been able to do in 13 years!"


September 9, 2013--"I love what you do for me.  Thank you."


September 10, 2013--"You've made a big difference in my life.  I am grateful to you for figuring me out."

September 11, 2013--"Dr. Davidson, I am getting much better with my clients.  What could be better than that?  I feel good!  I am becoming more appreciative and practical."

September 11, 2013--"You are the master of medicine, to me.  You really relieve me.  I want you to know that.  You are a very good doctor, Dr. Davidson.  It's been an unbelievably good visit today."


September 12, 2013--"I think you are very smart and very intelligent."


September 12, 2013--"I feel more relieved after you have spoken to me today."


September 13, 2013--"I really want to thank you.  I can't appreciate you enough.  Everything you say makes sense.  I appreciate everything you have done for me.  I mean it from the bottom of my heart.  I told my friend everything you have done for me.  He was stunned with your abilities."


September 16, 2013--"My friend was right: You are very kind and put me at ease.  Thank you."

September 16, 2013--"You really helped me.  Thank you."


September 16, 2013--"Thank you for your constant and immediate care and attention!  I am very grateful to you for bringing my mental health back into balance."


September 18, 2013--"You have terrific ways of looking at things that really make sense to me.  They strike me and I am able to use it get better.  You give me new ways of looking at things.  You are an outstanding psychiatrist.  I have had 6.  You are the greatest."


September 19, 2013--"My friend was extremely happy to have known you and met you.  She's already seen some good results from your meetings."

September 20, 2013--"I trust you.  I have never felt as decent as I do now. You are not like the other doctors who try to shove things down my throat and make me feel like a walking zombie."

September 25, 2013--"Thank you for your good advice and for being such a good listener."

September 28, 2013--"For all you've done for me, I really, really appreciate it."


September 30, 2013--"Your therapy is amazing for me."


October 2, 2013--"I told my sister-in-law that you have helped me a great deal."


October 2, 2013--"I love seeing you.  You are a calming person for me."


October 4, 2013--"You have helped me in a lot of different modes. I appreciate that so much."


October 4, 2013--"You've done a good job of helping me to clear things up and getting me back to normal."


October 5, 2013--"I was very angry with my mother when I first came to you.  Through our work together I have gone beyond forgiveness for my mother and am now accepting and grateful.  You have been such a great doctor for me.  I am very lucky.  You have helped me in so many ways in my life, to look at my life differently and myself, and help me."  "You said so much awesomeness today--about music, performing, living, loving and bipolar.  I get it.  I can't thank you enough."


October 4, 2013--"You have helped me in a lot of different modes. I appreciate that so much."


October 4, 2013--"You've done a good job of helping me to clear things up and getting me back to normal."


October 9, 2013--"I can only talk to you.  You understand me."

October 10, 2013--"You are a good psychiatrist."


October 14, 2013--"You are absolutely the right person for my friend; and I told her so, based on everything she said.  Thank you for that."


October 15, 2013--"Thank you for helping me.  You are a genius."


October 16, 2013--"You are the person I look up to.  You are an inspiration to me."


October 19, 2013--"I feel wonderful.  I wouldn't be feeling this way if it weren't for you."

October 22, 2013--"You make me feel good about myself."


October 28, 2013--'You are my superhero.  Good things are happening to me because of you."


October 30, 2013--"I appreciate everything you have done for me. Thank you so much."


November 1, 2013--"My mother has a very nice response, thanks to you.  I would hate to think where we would be right now, if we hadn't come to you." 

November 2, 2013--"I feel I am doing very, very well, thanks to you."


November 5, 2013--"I am very happy and satisfied with the situation with my daughter."


November 7, 2013--"Dr. Davidson, I am growing up now.  I can think things through now, instead of just reacting to things.  I can step back more and more often.  I am moving forward here.  I really loved our last talk."


November 6, 2013--"My daughter is so much better.  I want to thank you."


November 13, 2013--"Thank you for everything you are doing for my daughter."


November 14, 2013--"You are very nice.  I like you."

November 15, 2013--"I feel so much better, a night and day change.  I feel fantastic, really happy.  Thank you so much.  Thank you; thank you; thank you, Dr. Davidson."


November 18, 2013--"It definitely helped when we last spoke."


November 22, 2013--"I like talking to you."


December 2, 2013--"Thank you for everything, Dr. Davidson.  You are a miracle worker."


December 5, 2013--"I am so fortunate to have you in my life."


December 10, 2013--"Thank you so much for your help last week."


December 12, 2013--"You are amazing.  You helped to change my life.  Things have gotten so much better."


December 14, 2013--"Thanks to you, I am a whole new person.  You are a very good doctor.  At 73, I am doing more now than I have done in decades!   We tell everyone about you.  I can't thank you enough for all that you have done for me."


December 16, 2013--"I really appreciate everything you have done for me.  I woke up refreshed for the first time in my whole life.  I am doing great.  A cloud lifted from my whole life.  Thank you for the dedication to me that you provided.  I can't ever remember previously, waking up and not wanting the day to end." 


December 20, 2013--"You give me a lot of confidence."


December 30, 2013--"Thank you for helping me. You really encouraged me."

© 2019 by Dr. Ronald Jay Davidson

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